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FAT CAT® Classic Eeeks! Cat Toy

Item: 2305

FAT CAT® Classic Eeeks! Cat Toy

Item: 2305
Only 2 left In stock

Low in Price, Better than FAT CAT® Real Mice, it’s Fat Cat Classic EEEKS®! No need to jump on a table to exclaim EEEK!! ’cause good news Nelly…It’s a fake, it’s a fake. Plus, no real animal parts are used! Real soft fur and a tiny little rattle keep your kitty on the hunt for hours. Contains Zoom Around the Room® high-test organic catnip. Teensy rattle inside that kitties can’t resist. Ships in random colors.


Fat Cat

About Product

Dimensions: 1.3" X 3.9" X 4"


Stuffed with organic catnip
Rattles when batted or thrown around to help keep cats engaged
Great for solo play
Made of lightweight and durable material

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