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If you never had a houseplant – or a pet – but would like to get one – or both – you are probably wondering if you can manage houseplants and a pet – or pets – at the same time.

Well, you are not alone.

Many people – including me – don’t have a green thumb, so to speak, but like to decorate their houses and apartments with some nice looking plants. After all, they are good for you and can be for your pet as well.

Also, listen to this; you don’t necessarily need to have a green thumb. You just have to make sure you get a houseplant that fits your lifestyle and is non-toxic to your pets, obviously.

Now, you are probably wondering which plants are actually safe for your pets – if ingested. Don’t worry, even if you are a beginner in owning houseplants – and pets – there are plenty of houseplants out there which are easy to handle and easy on your pet’s health.

In this case, you might want to keep an eye out for your plants, instead of your pets. Therefore, it might be best to keep certain indoor plants away from your dog and your cat, like on a higher level – although your cat could reach any height. However, cats get bored easily as well, but your plant has probably a higher chance of survival being on a shelf or hanging from the ceiling than being on the ground level, especially having a puppy that isn’t housebroken yet.

Here’s a list of safe houseplants for indoor and outdoor decorations.

● Beaucarnea Recurvata: Also known as “Ponytail Palm” or “Elephant’s Foot” is basically a small palm tree, hence the name. They are kept indoors and are non-toxic to your pets, in case they decide to attack them. Rarely for dogs and more common for cats, either way, if your pet should accidentally – or purposely – ingest the leaves, it won’t cause any trouble

● Tillandsia: Other names the plant is known by is “Air plants,” maybe because you can hang them in a glass bulb which is dangling “in the air” from your ceiling since they don’t require soil. They are small as well and don’t require much attention, most importantly they are not harmful to your pet.

● Chlorophytum Comosum: Mostly known as “Spider Plant,” this one is probably the most common houseplant many are familiar with, especially newbies. Since they’re easy to care for, they can also handle neglect, except maybe if your pet decides to “water” them because your cat is mad or your dog isn’t housebroken, I don’t think the “Spider Plant” can handle that. Other than that it can survive in any household, therefore it makes a good starter kit as a new plant- and pet owner. Oh, and before I forget, they are obviously non-toxic to your pets. I’m sure they will love it.

● Nephrolepis Exaltata: This plant is in the fern family, but in the non-toxic category, however, it’s commonly known as “Boston Ferns” and is pretty to look at with their feather-like appearance, and harmless to keep around your furry friends. They’re best kept higher up, with moist soil and indirect sunlight.

● Platycerium Spp: Better known as “Staghorn Fern” to people who don’t know much about plants. Is a type of fern which is habitant in the rainforest but it’s manageable at home – if you have a lot of room since they can grow quite large (around 4 feet). They need a lot of indirect light, and they grow the best, hanging from a basket. Your cat will probably play with it and might pull on it, but don’t worry about your cat, Staghorn Fern is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. However, you might need to be worried about your plant surviving your cat’s attacks.

● Adiantum Sp: Another name this plant is known for is “Maidenhair Fern” which is also a type of fern, similar to the Boston Fern. It’s easy to maintain but prefers low humidity and dislikes repotting, good thing is you can’t overwater them since they love water and bright light. Last but not least, the most important aspect; it’s safe to keep around your pets.

● Salvia Rosmarinus: Ignore its fancy Latin name, it basically just means “Rosemary” that’s it. And if you didn’t know it before, this herby plant is non-toxic and therefore safe to have around your four-legged friends. Keep in mind that this Mediterranean-native needs 6 – 8 hours of sunlight and be careful of overwatering this one. Rosemary might fall under the category “not the easiest indoor houseplant.” Especially for beginners.

● Maranta Leuconeura: The non-Latin term would be “Maranta Plant” but it’s commonly known as “Prayer Plant,” it’s also non-toxic for furry babies and easy to care for, but you might want to consider hanging them in a basket, so your pets won’t get to them to play around, and then destroy them.

● Echeveria: Is part of the succulent family and is known as “Blue Bird” or “Blue Echeveria” because of its color. It probably reminds you of cabbage or a rose. It’s a pretty, easy-caring houseplant that won’t cause any trouble to your pet. Just make sure to keep it where it’s mostly sunny in your living space since it doesn’t like the cold too much.

● Wheatgrass: This plant, also known as “Cat Grass” or “Pet Grass” is not just beneficial for humans but also healthy for your pets if ingested. It carries a lot of nutrients and vitamins, such as fiber, Vitamin E, chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and some carotenoids (a pigment that is produced by algae and plants, fungi, and bacteria ) as well as some protein. Besides the health factor, Wheatgrass can help your pet with an upset stomach without the worry of having your pet ingest harmful pesticides found on the regular lawn. It’s an easy plant to take care of, it just requires some clipping, and regulated heat, but not too much sunlight, as well as maintain its moisture levels. There are a lot more houseplants – for indoor and outdoor – in the Plantae world which are safe for your pets. Nevertheless, these are the most common and most popular ones to familiarize yourself with. And when in doubt, also read our article “ Make Sure You Watch What Your Pet Eats; It could be One of These Dangerous Plants” about plants which can be poisonous to your pets.

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